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What time do services begin?
The Worship Service begins at 10a.m.  Come a little earlier and grab something from our coffee bar!

How long are the services?
Generally, the worship service lasts anywhere between 80-90 minutes.  Our service consists of a great mix of both the timeless hymns of faith and contemporary praise music led by our Praise Team.  There are times of prayer, an offering, sometimes an update on particular ministries or missionaries, and a Message that is rooted in the Word, centered on Christ and applicable to living a life 'worthy of the calling.'

What should I wear?
That seems to be the question on many minds these days!  Here, you'll find a combination of attire!  From dress shirts and ties, dresses and slacks, to khakis and jeans and t-shirts (and, during the winter months, a whole lot of flannel!).  We simply ask that you dress appropriately.  Far more important than the clothes we wear is the condition of our hearts as we worship!

What Bible translation is used during service?
The Pastor primarily preaches from the New International Version (NIV), but will also reference other translations from time to time, such as New Living (NLT), English Standard (ESV) and others.  You'll find folks using various translations for personal use and study.  Bibles are available in the chairs; however, if you do not have one for home, please let us know!
How can I learn more about the church?
Feel free to explore our website!  Also, as you enter the Sanctuary for worship, you'll be given a Visitor Packet that includes information about the church and our ministries.  There will be a visitor card located in the packet; please take a moment to fill that out - the card can be placed in the offering plate or handed to an usher or the Pastor.  Of course, we gladly welcome you to give us a call or email anytime!

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