First Baptist Church
of North Middleboro
Pastor Jason Genest
Dave Easton
Paul Martin
Tom Motta
Artie Sharland
Ministry Teams
Here at FBCNM, we embrace a team-based ministry concept whereby each person in the church is encouraged to discover and joyfully utilize their spiritual gifts and talents for God's glory and the furtherance of Christ's Church.
Each Team oversees a specific area of ministry and engages the church to participate as the Spirit of God leads!
Missions Team
FBCNM is a 'missions-minded' church, whether it be around the globe or in our own backyard! It's our joy to partner with several missionaries serving globally and locally, through both financial and prayerful support. Through various collections - such as clothing, cleaning supplies or other items - throughout the year, packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, hosting missionary visits or welcoming Veterans & their guests to our annual Veterans Appreciation Dinner each November, we long to be used by Christ to reach people for His glory and honor!
Debbie Motta - Missions Team Coordinator
Facilities Team
Often referred to as 'the lighthouse on the corner,' we believe God has blessed us with this building in which to gather for prayer, worship and fellowship and from which to 'go and make disciples...' As such, we want to be good stewards of this property so that it remains for future generations!
Bill Hoeg - Facilities Team Coordinator
Hospitality Team
Here at FBCNM, faith and fellowship go hand-in-hand! Whether it's gathering together in our fellowship cafe before or after the Worship Service, a special fellowship event, breakfast or luncheon or even a 'theme' Sunday, being together and simply 'sharing life in Christ' is one of our most treasured hallmarks! After all, who couldn't benefit from a word of encouragement, a handshake or hug, and a good laugh together!
Jane Ostlund - Hospitality Team Coordinator
In addition, we also have a Finance Team comprised of our Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Counters, and our Praise Team that leads Sunday Morning Worship!